This is everything you need to know about Operation Yellowhammer

You may have seen Operation Yellowhammer mentioned on the news and social media recently - but what does it mean?

Operation Yellowhammer is the government codename for all of the work that is being done across government to establish and address what the immediate impact of a no-deal Brexit would be for the UK.

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This week, the document was published in full, after MPs voted to force its release to the public.

Dated August 2 2019, it outlines what are described as “reasonable worst-case assumptions” of the impact of leaving the EU without a deal on 31 October, as well as how the government plans to deal with them.

Twelve areas of risk are covered in the dossier. These include things like healthcare, transport, the cross-border movement of people and goods and food and water supplies.

And the publication of the report has revealed that ministers believe riots on the streets, food price rises and reduced medical supplies are real risks of the UK leaving the EU without a deal.

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A secret dossier

The dossier was initially a secret, however its existence was first revealed in 2018 when somebody was photographed leaving the cabinet office with documents labelled with the code name.

The government attempted to resist this week’s publication of the Operation Yellowhammer report, however lost a vote in the Commons on Monday (9 Sep) before parliament was suspended and was forced to release the documents.

Ministers did successfully block Dominic Grieve’s motion to release communications between Downing Street and government aides regarding the suspension of parliament.

Michael Gove said MPs' request to see emails, texts and WhatsApp messages from Dominic Cummings, Boris Johnson's chief aide, and eight other advisers in Downing Street were "unreasonable and disproportionate".