Bishop of Coventry's Easter message: 'If we need a sign of God’s presence with us, we need look no further than our health workers and others on the front-line'

The Right Reverend Dr Christopher CocksworthThe Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth
The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth
The Easter message from The Right Reverend Dr Christopher Cocksworth

The Bishop of Coventry’s Easter 2020 message

We’re living through another world war. Previous world wars divided humanity. We killed each other. This war is uniting humanity in a common fight to preserve life, especially the lives of the most vulnerable.

Easter is the festival of life. It’s the celebration of Jesus defeating death, rising from the tomb. It’s the feast of victory in the power of God’s life to bring life to us in every situation we face.

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For 2000 years the resurrection of Jesus from the dead has sustained people in faith and hope even in the darkest times. Coventry and Warwickshire, England and the rest of the UK, the world and all humanity have faced great challenges over the centuries. But the reality of Easter remains – that life is stronger than death and that even now, especially now, God is with us and will see us through.

And if we need a sign of God’s presence with us, we need look no further than our health workers and others on the front-line as they pour themselves out in care and love for all humanity.

In them – and in each of us when we truly help each other – we see the power of God at work among us.

It is the power that raised Jesus from the dead – the power of love and life that prevails.

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