Helpful saving hacks to help with the cost of living

As inflation remains high and money is tight household budgets are stretched to breaking point and making cash go further becomes harder.
Start the year off by downloading a digital budget planner (photo: Adobe)Start the year off by downloading a digital budget planner (photo: Adobe)
Start the year off by downloading a digital budget planner (photo: Adobe)

But consumer experts at have identified useful ways to save cash by completing monthly saving challenges as well as advice on how to knock hundreds off holiday expenses.

Digital budget planner – Start the year off by downloading a digital budget planner so you can visually track how much you’re spending and in which areas.

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Get a smart meter – Having the physical amount in front of you can let you see clearly how much is being spent on gas and electricity.

Cost of Living LogoCost of Living Logo
Cost of Living Logo

Start a side hustle – A savvy way to earn extra cash in the new year is to earn more and spend less by starting a side hustle.

Enter free giveaways – Social media giveaways are also an easy way to grab a freebie.

Set measurable savings goals – While it’s great to save as much as possible, don’t just throw everything into savings only to realise there’s not enough money left to pay for the bills.

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Shop during sale events – January sales are one of the prime sales events over the year, where many retailers knock down their prices after the Christmas rush.

Shop during sale events and shop around for deals (photo: Adobe)Shop during sale events and shop around for deals (photo: Adobe)
Shop during sale events and shop around for deals (photo: Adobe)

Book 2024/25 holidays now – When it comes to travel prices, the earlier you book, the better.

Shop around for deals – Have a look at different outlets offering the same type of products, both online and in-person.

Join community groups for free activities – Signing up for online community groups means you have access to wider information about free local activities going on in the area.

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Sign up for loyalty schemes – Each time you decide to shop at a retailer, have a look if they have an app available or go straight to their website and join their reward schemes.

Get a smart meter in order to save cash (photo: Adobe)Get a smart meter in order to save cash (photo: Adobe)
Get a smart meter in order to save cash (photo: Adobe)

Book free cancellation trips – Booking free cancellation trips can provide extra insurance to get money back on a cancelled trip.

Sign up for email subscriptions – Even if they end up in your junk mail, it’s worth signing up for email subscriptions every time you purchase an item online, as you can be offered exclusive free items or early discounts before they go live to other consumers.

Freeze leftovers from Sunday roasts – Freezing food and meal prepping is always a handy way to save on food costs.

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